Facebook的人大概會知道最近筆者在追的消息是天龍特攻隊(The A-Team)電影版拍攝的新聞,心思都花在上面了囧。當然我會找時間整理在網誌上的..,所以沒新文章覺得無聊的網友們不妨上噗或筆者的粉絲網頁瀏覽最新消息吧。
dololo這次網誌拖真久... 這一篇文章是有關Phil、Stu以及Alan三個人以及演員們的閒聊。
斛光交錯,敬一個永遠想不起來的夜晚XD 導演Todd Philips曾經說過:
"These movies are so much about
casting. Old School is about casting, Starsky was about it, all the movies I’ve really done is about
getting the right cast together."
Zach Galifianakis as Alan Garner
"I was a huge fan of Zack to begin with and I felt like he’d been in movies and hadn’t really been used correctly in movies and not really had a part where he could shine." ......by director Todd
Todd是用如此崇拜的語氣形容Zach的喜劇天份,而這部電影也的確證明了Zach的才華。在故事進行到所有人失去記憶之前,Alan幾乎掌握了所有的笑點,無論是最剛開始的丁字褲,加油站的怪異行徑,用飛機上打手槍來大開911的玩笑,直到那個「wolve pack」的演講。陰沉古怪的Alan逐漸改變觀眾對他的第一印象,通常是不起眼或反感,特別是那叢大鬍子以及他不堪的衣著。Alan從討厭到「討喜」,是個叫人訝異的過程,觀眾開始喜歡Alan的反應,因為我們根本不知道他會啥時又天外飛來一筆。
Just from watching the previews, you know that
anything coming from his mouth is going to be hilarious.
"Oh~ who let the dog out?"
Todd可說是為Zach量身訂作了這部電影,也讓故事從輔導級變成限制級,他說"certainly you get a guy like Zack Galifianakis and it’d be
tough to do a PG-13 movie and still
let him go."。尺度大了,當然就有更多可以惡搞的空間,比方說納粹大屠殺跟賓拉登都成了可以調侃的題材,而這些都是Zach所設計的。
I didn't know they gave rings out." I gotta say, that was all Zach. He made up all that stuff man. We were in the car and he was like,
'thanks a lot Bin Laden.' And when he made the joke about the Holocaust. ......by Bradley Cooper
二次大戰也許離現在已經有點距離,但911事件在美國仍然是個敏感的問題,沒有人敢輕易開這種玩笑,上一個開這個玩笑的人被批評到臭頭,但是Zach卻如同某篇影評所說的"He takes the jokes to the
next level by going places people would dare. The Holocaust anyone? How about 9//11? You just have to see it to belive it."。當然角色的設定是笑點成功的一部份,天真無辜像小孩一樣的Alan講這種話大家會笑,換成Phil或Stu可能就完全不是這麼一回事。
I think. I mean, if you live in L.A. and you like comedy, he's the
king, he's the sh*t. I've always been thinking, God, I want to make a movie with this guy, I want to find the right thing and I want to use him correctly in a movie, because what he does on stage is hard to translate. ......by director Todd
此外,玩弄嬰兒小雞雞也是Zach的主意,雖然我覺得這根本是導演故意陷害他的。Bradley在訪問時曾說「我們坐在那邊準備拍吃早餐的場景時,那個嬰兒娃娃人偶就躺在一旁,而Zach就對Todd說"hey man, jerking the baby off",結果Todd就跟他說"Oh man, let's do that" XD。結果這下換Zach緊張了"瞎咪~你說啥囧?,不要啊~"。結果Todd就趁嬰兒的媽媽離開時問爸爸能不能這麼作,然後就拍進去了。
影片最後老婆婆的口※照片則是Todd進一步惡整Zach的例子,老婆婆是60年代的A片女星,Zach也是緊張得要死。但對方則是毫不在意地說"Oh hunny, don't worry."。 XD
"Oh hunny, don't worry."
當然Zach私底下是個正常人,正如他的好朋友Bradley說的"He's a great human being. It's a gift and privilege to be moving this movie at a time when he's being exposed to a wider audience, who I feel are going to fall in love with him the way his fans to now." 少了Zach,Hangover也不會這麼好笑的。
Ed Helms as Stu Price
對拍電影的同時仍然必須每週末都趕回LA拍攝"The Office"的Ed來說,他認為一個多月來的拍攝就像是一場持續很久的宿醉XD。但是,如同Bradley如此稱讚他的表現:
He is phenomenal. He kills it. I am just trying to keep up and keep my head above water. It’s a challenge to run with these guys. I am running with a fast pack in this movie. I am constantly trying to keep up.
" What the fuck is going on ?!" (XD)
Ed對自己的角色有很自嘲的定義:You have basically the slickster, the weirdo and the nerd. And I'm the nerd.Which seems to be what my career is being built on.Stu除了負責抓狂尖叫以外,就是吐槽Phil跟Alan,在一般朋友圈子裡就是那種最謹慎,嘮叨怕事的類型。有趣的是,這類拘謹的朋友往往解開束縛後也是最瘋狂奔放的。
"I look like a nerdy hillbilly."
其實Ed早在15歲時那顆門牙就因為事故再也長不出來了,所以他裝了20幾年的假牙齒。當電影在拍攝時其實沒人知道這個事情,劇情中的巧合卻讓Ed的缺牙成了表演的一部份,他們其實曾試著用化妝效果蓋住牙齒,但效果不彰,讓Stu看起來很蠢。於是Ed決定聯絡他的牙醫,看看是否可以拿出他之前的假牙。於是,就像Ed在訪問中所說的"So we took it out and I was toothless for three months, for the run of the movie."。不曉得有在看"The Office"的觀眾會不會注意到他那陣子的缺牙XD。
令人訝異的是,這首歌是Ed親自編的。在劇本中原本沒有這樣的東西,甚至在他們之前的拍攝過程中也沒想過這個即興的演出。事情是這樣的,旅館房裡原本就有那台鋼琴,而他們在那住了一個多月,所以有練過的Ed時常會去玩鋼琴。當他們拍到餵老虎吃安眠藥的劇情時,導演Todd就對他說"Hey there's a great spot in the movie where we need a little bit of a breath in the narrative. You should write a song and stick it in there." 於是Ed就在一天內創作出了那首有趣的搖籃曲XD,好厲害。 (如果想回味的,可以點選上面的連結XD)
Ed的喜劇才華在這部電影裡展現無遺,他跟Zach一搭一唱串起了所有的笑料,讓一旁的Bradley Cooper感覺像跑龍套的XD。Bradley對前述兩位演員有著一段深刻的讚美:
"Ed and Zach are hilarious. I’m very lucky to have this job. I was always a fan of Zach. I’ve known him for about six years. I remember seeing him in stand-up years ago and I thought he was the best back then, but I didn’t know how good an actor he is. He’s actually a phenomenal actor. And Ed, who I didn’t know before this, he’s a killer, he just kills it. So I’m just trying to keep my head above water and run with these guys. I’m running with a fast pack in this movie and I’m just trying to keep up."
Bradley Cooper as Phil Wenneck
Phil, the leader of this dysfunctional quartet of partiers. "Phil is the guy with the plan, the fast-talker," says producer Dan Goldberg.
製作人Dan Goldberg形容Phil這個角色為這個失能團體的隊長XD,是個辯才無礙,作事有計畫的人。但正因為如此,一堆慘烈而無法控制的事件卻讓這個角色更引人發噱。
劇情的前半段Phil並不顯眼,他幹走學生的錢,講一些逗弄老友等不成熟的trash talking,只是為了讓人快速地認識他這個角色的特徵,已婚、憤世嫉俗、是個典型的asshole,或者我們可說「痞子」,大抵在年輕時曾經風花雪月,然後誤入了婚姻的墳墓而感到人生沒有一點樂趣。
但我仍記得當他穿上那套黑色的盛裝,加上那頭讓人羨煞的頭髮,把實習醫生裡的 McDreamy Patrick Dempsey都比了下去,讓戲院裡驚呼連連,女生們竊竊私語就罷了,連坐我旁邊的男生也在大嘆帥氣...XD。
Their night to remember turns out to be one they forget.
飾演Phil的Bradley Cooper在接受訪問時,雖然不認為自己是在扮演所謂的leader,但承認這角色的戲份與地位已經比他多數的電影要大得多,而Ed則在一旁搭腔"Try the de facto
lead role" or “the cool alpha-male character"。
Moving up on Hollywood’s totem pole, Cooper’s role required two crucial assets:
leadership and superb
comic timing, both which the actor had in spades.
導演Todd Philips對Bradloey讚譽有加,他說:
"Bradley is very funny, both on and off the screen, but I think of him more as a leading man, and in this story he takes on the role of the de facto leader." "He's the one who
emerges from this morning-after mess and tries to get the other two to focus so they can figure out what happened. Phil is the
facilitator who makes stuff happen. And I was lucky to have Bradley because he is on the cusp of his career now."
故事到了最後我們發現Phil其實也不過就是個嘴巴厲害,但心底善良的好爸爸。如果他真的那麼糟糕,Doug不見了,身旁又跟著兩個拖油瓶,愛裝酷的他大可拍拍屁股走人,但他並沒有。就像Bradle所形容的"He's the kinda guy who's
bark is not bigger than his bite","His
buddies mean everything to him."
In his most recent role as Phil Wenneck in "The Hangover," Bradley Cooper stars as a guy who regrets getting married and having a son, but (thankfully) has a change of heart and falls back in love with his life.
那一幕他在婚裡中幸福地抱著妻小的場景,其實是Bradley與Todd討論出來的。Bradley曾在訪問中說到"Yeah, my character says the most horrid things in the movie," he says. "And I thought, The last scene, I gotta have my kid with me. He's got to be asleep on my shoulder when we're looking at photographs."
也正因為如此,雜誌的訪問作家事後在文中這麼描述:"It's an everyday gesture, but it makes Phil
retroactively likable."。Bradley這個聰明的構思,讓他的角色叫人喜歡。
拍這一幕時是在大清早8點半的住宅區,讓Bradley感到超級尷尬:"We actually shot that “paging Dr. Faggot” scene at 8:30 in the morning on a beautiful street populated with a lot of gay couples, so I’m screaming “faggot” and thinking,
Oh, my God, what am I doing?" "Every time, I was like,
Don't we have it?
We have to go again?"
若非Keng Jeong在這部戲之前跟Bradley曾經拍過「求愛女王」,我想Bradley大概會翻臉吧(因為全裸還是Keng提議的)還是。但他報復的方式是把劇中周先生的姓氏取成很娘的"Leslie"。XD
"Working on set with two improv-trained comedians was hard.
Watching how talented Ed and Zack are in the movie I feel utter hatred," said Cooper with mock seriousness.
Cooper admits he is competitive, and watching other actors excel pushes him to become a better performer.
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